USWEBDAILY.COM (04/22/2015) – We told you when returned to the internet just a short time ago that we would make the website even better than before, well, we’re doing it. We now have a total of 12 news and information categories and feeds from more than 50 news sources coming into our databank every 15 minutes.
The tweaking that has taken place on the visible pages and behind the scenes have resulted in a good looking, easy to use website with summaries of news and information articles from reputable news sources. You’ll now find stories about Business and Commerce; Consumers and Shopping; Farming and Agriculture; Internet and Technology; Movies and Television; Music and Musicians; Politics and Government; Radio-TV Industry News; Sports and Recreation; This, That, and The Other; United States News; and World News Items.
The story summaries are coming from outstanding news organizations and websites like: AgWeb, BankRate, CNET, CNN, Consumer Affairs, Economist, Health Magazine, Insurance Journal,, MSNBC, Music-News, NPR, Sports World News, Supermarket News, TechCrunch, UPI,, Variety, and, just to name a few. More are being added periodically.
Most of the article summaries are accompanied by small images to illustrate each item. We include the ones that come in with the feed directly from the source of the feed when they are available. When the feed does not provide an image “thumbnail” (smaller version of the image), we show an in-house logo from It’s exciting to see that most of our feed sources do send out images to run with the summaries. That makes for a more, well rounded presentation, and serves as a point from which our readers gain more information (a picture is often worth thousands of words, in itself).
Back when was originally on the internet, our readership had steadily gained numbers from the start until there were thousands of unique visitors coming to our site daily. It’s nice to see that trend of increasing readership has begun anew. Now that we’ve been back up and running since April 11, 2015, after an unfortunate several months off the net due to technical problems, we’ve again seen a steady climb in the number of people coming to
Thank you for your loyalty, and, please spread the word that is back at it, 24 hours, everyday. There are links at the bottom of every Category Page and individual, Original Articles, such as this one. The links, prefaced by “Share With Friends”, give you an opportunity to share, using your accounts with places like Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, Pinterest, StumbleUpon, Reddit, Tumblr, and LinkedIn. There is even a link so you can send an email to a friend or relative about us or the story or category you think may interest them.