USWEBDAILY.COM (08/24/2015) – continues to add news sources to the list of reputable news outlets that populate the Searchable Databank at the news, views and information website. As of the date of this article, there are now 130 news sources updated every fifteen minutes throughout each hour of every day, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
You can find the latest from 12 categories, including Business, Consumers, Farming, Technology, Movies and TV, Music, Politics, Communications Industry, Sports, Commentary, General United States News, and World News Stories.
Originally established in 2005, the website has been back up and running daily for more than four months, except for a brief time out in mid-July 2015 due to unexpected technical issues following an upgrade to the website server system. Since that upgrade glitch more than 40 days ago, has been steadily providing internet visitors with a sustained source of important news to users in the United States and nearly 100 other countries, worldwide.
The English language website is open to the public and welcomes everyone who wants to gain information. We provide headlines along with short summaries of the stories and provide links to read the full articles if you wish to learn more details.
140 Quality News Sources Updated Every 15 minutes
USWEBDAILY.COM (11/04/2015) – With the addition of the latest batch of reputable news and information services, now gains new articles from 140 newsrooms every 15 minutes. All news and information websites are vetted before they are added as reliable sources of real news and true stories with truthful truth. Some of the most recent to be added to the news stable are Motor Trend; McStreamy; Poynter; VOX; TVLine; WBBM-TV, Chicago; Clik2Go, KETV-TV, Omaha; and WEWS-TV, Cleveland.
Internal Server Upgrade Caused Temporary Issue
USWEBDAILY.COM (07/14/2015) – Internal server upgrades sometimes cause website problems that are visible to site visitors. We are sorry to say that appears to be what occurred during some hours on either 07/14/2015 or 07/15/2015, depending on the world time zone that you were in, when we upgraded part of the internal workings of our server. It took a bit of time to locate the problem it caused with the way USWebDaily works, but, we believe we have the issue taken care of and all is well again at